If you want the presence of God, just worship Him! You don’t have to do anything to work up the anointing. In a service, you simply invite the Holy Spirit to come and touch His people. Especially if you can get the people to worship Him in one mind and accord. In Acts chapter 2 it says they were all together in one place, in one accord, and suddenly the Holy Spirit came! “Enter His gates with thanksgiving in your heart, enter His courts with Praise!” Ps. 100:4.

Even in your own home alone, just worship Him from your heart and His presence will come. He loves people and He wants a personal relationship with them. The Bible says that God inhabits the praises of His people so instead of crying and complaining, start praising! God doesn’t inhabit the whining of His people, He inhabits the Praises of His people! If you want what the apostles had, do what they did! If you want what the Bible says you can have, do what it says! Be a do-er of the Word and not a hear-er only! Praise brings Presence!

Linda Weber – Sole Purpose Ministries

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