We have to learn the difference between “condemnation” & “conviction”. God Never condemns us, (John 3:17..Jesus did not come into the world to condemn the world)…BUT..when God is dealing with you in an area of your life that He wants to change you will feel “conviction”,..God is your Heavenly Father & He Loves you very much & just as a loving parent corrects & guides their child, He does the same with us. He is constantly molding & making us into what He wants us to be. The goal is for us to become “Christlike”. So when you are offended by the Word, check your heart, is this “condemnation” OR is the Holy Spirit “convicting” you?? For example, I don’t get offended when I hear the Word about “Giving” becuz I give my tithes & offerings,,,if on the other hand I’ve been listening to music that is garbage, then I would feel conviction when I hear someone preach the Word about it? Let the Potter have His way with your clay,,you’ll be glad you did!
Sole Purpose Ministries – Linda Ross Weber #condemnation #conviction #offense

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