“Yeah, yeah, yeah Pastor, you’ve been saying that for years!” This is what some people are thinking when they hear their Pastor say something like, “A great revival is coming!” or, “Our Church is going to have so many people in it, we won’t be able to contain them.” People actually argue and try to reason things out in their minds as the Pastor is preaching.
Faith is the foundation of Christianity and without faith it’s impossible to please God. Faith is believing without seeing. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things Not Yet Seen. We Need to have faith in God, in His Word! Either all of it is true or it is not. This is what You personally have to determine for yourself.
We can’t even blame this impatience on our instant society that we live in because people are people and they’ve always been like this. There has Always been doubt and unbelief. Right back to the days of Noah. Here was a man that took God at His Word. He told Noah to build an ark, that a flood was coming, even though up till this point it had never rained on the earth! People made fun of him, mocked him but guess what? The flood came.
Jesus told His disciples to go to Jerusalem in the upper room and “wait” for the Promise the He was going to send,,Acts chapter 2 tells what happened. 120 of them obeyed because they waited and then were Filled with the Holy Spirit. I imagine there were more than 120 people that went into that room but some got impatient and left early and they missed the Mighty coming of the Holy Spirit!
Simply believe! Read the Bible and Believe. If you will only Believe!
“Don’t be weary in well doing for in “due season” you will reap if you faint not.” Be expectant everyday, keep your Joy bucket filled, stay full of the Word of God and be in Praise and Thanksgiving to God.
God is not a man that He should lie, if He said He will do then it’s Going to happen!
Linda Weber – Sole Purpose Ministries