God has a plan for EVERY single person. When He created YOU, He had a plan and a purpose for you! (Jer. 1:5) The Minister’s job is to “equip the saints” to do the work! Ephesians 4:11 “And it was He who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, 12 to equip the saints for works of ministry, to build up the body of Christ,

So when you go to church you should be getting equipped to leave those 4 walls and do the work God has for you! You should be “growing” spiritually. If you haven’t grown spiritually in the past year, there is a serious problem! I personally know of some Christians who haven’t changed a bit in 20 years and that’s not right. They just go to church, do their religious duty and that’s it! They are on a spiritual plateau. If you ever reach that point and there is no growth then you are most likely in a back-slidden state. This relationship with God is like any relationship, you should be closer and getting to know each other more and more as time goes on.

We need to meditate on this passage in Ephesians to see just what is it that your Pastor is supposed to be doing. It’s not to answer your phone call at 2am to pray for your sniffles? Some people expect the Pastor to do everything, but that is Not what the Bible teaches! Pastor’s are precious people and we need to respect and pray for them and take the messages that they give us on Sunday mornings and apply it to our lives and let that message mixed with our faith bring spiritual growth to us. They are there to “equip us to DO the work of the ministry!”

Apply the Word of God to your life, be a Do-er of the Word & not a hearer only,,,evaluate your life, are YOU growing spiritually? If not, figure out why!

Linda Weber – Sole Purpose Ministries

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