If people get in a “personal relationship” with Jesus, 99.9% of our counseling will not be needed because they have THEE Counselor inside of them! When they learn to be led by the inner witness they won’t have to run to a man to get prayer or to get counseling.
When you get saved you are born again, you are a New creation, old things are past away, behold, all things are NEW. Your past is behind you. God says He takes your sins and throws them into the sea of forgetfulness, He removes them as far as the east is from the west. If you sin after that, you have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus, who forgives your sins and cleanses you from all unrighteousness!
It really does no good to go to a man and pour your heart out. All it does for you is rehash everything you have on your mind and you re-live what you’re saying. And then the man that you’re pouring all this into has to have that in their mind! They have their own life to deal with!
You have to get this in you that you are Born Again! Not getting inside your mother’s womb again, but you are born again in the spirit man, new! The soul is what needs to be renewed and that is your mind, will and emotions. What your problem is, is that gray matter between your ears! Take EVERY though captive to the obedience of Christ! Change your thoughts. When a bad thought comes, replace it with a good (God) one!
The most important thing that will change your life is getting into the Word of God, reading your Bible as often and as much as possible. Just like you eat food everyday for your physical body, you MUST read the Word everyday as it is food for your spirit man. The Bible says that the Word is powerful, sharper than any double edged sword, dividing between soul and spirit, and God’s Word will not come back void but will accomplish what He sends it to do.
Be transformed by the renewing of your mind, and that is by reading the Bible! “Oh, it can’t be that simple Linda”,,,Oh yes it is, and that is why most people miss it! If the devil can convince you of that lie than he will keep your life a mess. A man’s opinion, a book ‘about’ the Bible, worship music, a sermon on tv,,,all of that may be good but NOTHING will change your life like reading the Bible.
When you read the Bible the Word gets IN you, you are transformed into the image of Christ, you are renewed. The Bible says, Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks, so whatever you talk about the most is what is IN you, what you are filling yourself with.
The Bible says that God has not given us a spirit of fear but of love, power and a SOUND MIND. If your mind is renewed by the Bible you can replace the bad thoughts with what God says, His promises to you! The Bible says, He will keep you in perfect peace if your MIND is fixed on Him.
So, a counselor is not going to fix you. What you need is a 24/7 relationship with Jesus Christ, keeping your mind stayed on Him, filling your eyes and ears with what GOD has to say in His Word.
It’s a simple concept but it’s work on your part because you have to make yourself open that Bible up and read it, and you have to change your thoughts, these are two things nobody else can do for you! When a bad thought comes, capture it- hold it captive- stop it, and then replace it with a Good (GOD) thought. Whatsoever things are pure, lovely, honest and of a good report, think on those things,,,
Get your Bible out right now and let God renew your mind!
Linda Weber – Sole Purpose Ministries