The Bible says in Acts 2 on the Day of Pentecost the 120 people that were there were in one acccord. They had the same mindset, they were hungry, they were expecting; and that is exactly what we experienced last night in Middlefield, Ohio! The hungry people came expecting to learn and to get a touch from God and that’s exactly what happened. The fire of God fell upon them and equipped them to go out of the 4 walls and win a lost and dying world for Christ!
It only takes a spark to get a fire going. Sampson lit the tails of 300 fox and they ran with a sense of urgency. Tails were lit last evening and I’m expecting to hear testimonies of people being saved, healed and delivered through these ambassadors of Christ!
People are always looking for a big crowd, but I would rather have hungry people in a meeting than fill the seats with a bunch of looky loos that have no interest in doing anything for God. The 5 fold ministry’s job is to “equip the saints to do the work of the ministry.” God is raising up an army of ambassador’s, Holy Ghost arsenist that will not only be hearers of the Word, but do-ers!
Is Your tail lit? Do you have a sense of urgency to tell a lost and dying world that Jesus loves them and He took their place on Calvary’s cross? If not, you better check your heart that you’re not lukewarm. Grab yourself by the ear and get to the next Holy Ghost meeting where the Glory of God rolls in and the Fire of God falls! Come hungry for the things of God and expecting a fresh touch because God’s Word says that He will annoint you with Fresh Oil!
Read Acts 2
Linda Weber – Sole Purpose Ministries