Join us for a powerful Holy Ghost and Fire Meeting with revivalist Linda Weber of Sole Purpose Ministries. This is your opportunity to encounter the presence and power of God in a fresh and transformative way.

Healing for your body, mind, and spirit
Deliverance from every chain
Salvation and a renewed relationship with Christ
Whatever you are believing God for!

Don’t miss this life-changing encounter with God!
For more information, visit spministries.com or call (833) 238-9307.
Spread the word and invite others to join this powerful night of revival!

Sponsored by Sole Purpose Ministries – Revivalist Linda Weber
Join us for a transformative two-day Women’s Retreat designed to refresh your spirit, renew your mind, and ignite your faith. This powerful event will include:

If you’d like to stay at the hotel, mention that you are attending the Arise and Shine Women’s Retreat to receive special room rates.
Come expecting to leave transformed, empowered, and equipped to walk boldly in your God-given purpose. We can’t wait to see you there!
Dates: Fri.-Sat. March 14-15
Location: Coshocton Village Inn & Suites 115 N. Water St, Coshocton, Ohio 43812
Registration Details: Go to this link to register https://forms.gle/wgcqUP3i1TmX8YSr5
Prepare your heart to arise, shine, and step into the fullness of all God has for you!

This is a FREE event (love offering will be received at the event)

Join us for these two powerful nights of Revival meetings with Linda Weber of Sole Purpose Ministries. Come expecting a fresh touch from Heaven! There will be preaching, praise, prayer. We see miracles in every meeting because of the presence of God. You don’t want to miss this powerful weekend. Come, bring some friends. This is located at 795 Lewisville Rd. in Woodsfield, where the Methodist church used to meet. For more info go to spministries.com or call/text (740)502-2931 Saturday and Sunday evenings 6:00 pm. July 1-2

Join us for a powerful weekend of Revival meetings. Everything you need is found in God’s presence, come expecting a fresh touch from Heaven! June 24-25- Saturday and Sunday evenings, 7:00 nightly, Sunday morning 10:00am located at The River Church 494 Downtowner Plaza Coshocton, Ohio 43812

Everyone is invited to this One Night Revival meeting with Linda Weber of Sole Purpose Ministries. Preaching, Praise, Prayer, Healings, Deliverance, the Joy of the Lord! Don’t miss this! Come expecting a fresh touch from God! Located at the Valley College Grange Hall. 2411 Shreve Road, Wooster, OH 44691 For more info go to www.spministries.com