Timothy was getting alot of opposition against his message and even personally. Paul told him that “the Holy Spirit, God’s gift, does not want you to be afraid of people, but to be wise and strong,” so he told him if he will stir up the inner power within him, he would never be afraid to tell others about our Lord!
When you fall in love with Jesus and you are full of Him, and He is real to you, No person will ever be able to stop you from what God is calling you to do; but you must keep that fire stirred up in your heart. Nobody can do this for you, it is your own personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The people that you are afraid of now, the ones you are afraid to offend or whatever, are not going to be standing with you when you leave this earth, it’s going to be you and God, so make up your mind now that come what may you are going to serve Jesus Christ and Him only!
Linda Weber – Sole Purpose Ministries